Abstract-Accurate recognition and tracking of human faces are indispensable in applications like Face Recognition, Forensics, etc. The need for enhancing the low resolution faces for such applications has gathered more attention in the past few years. To recognize the faces from the surveillance video footage, the images need to be in a significantly recognizable size. Image Super-Resolution (SR) algorithms aid in enlarging or super-resolving the captured low-resolution image into a high-resolution frame. It thereby improves the visual quality of the image for recognition. This paper discusses some of the recent methodologies in face super-resolution (FSR) along with an analysis of its performance on some benchmark databases. Learning based methods are by far the immensely used technique. Sparse representation techniques, Neighborhood-Embedding techniques, and Bayesian learning techniques are all different approaches to learning based methods. The review here demonstrates that, in general, learning based techniques provides better accuracy/ performance even though the computational requirements are high. It is observed that Neighbor Embedding provides better performances among the learning based techniques. The focus of future research on learning based techniques, such as Neighbor Embedding with Sparse representation techniques, may lead to approaches with reduced complexity and better performance.