All four point functions of brane anti brane system including their correct all order α ′ corrections have been addressed. All five point functions of one closed string Ramond-Ramond (RR), two real tachyons and either one gauge field or the scalar field in both symmetric and asymmetric pictures have also been explored. The entire analysis of < C −2 A 0 T 0 T 0 > is carried out. Not only does it fix the vertex operator of RR in asymmetric picture and in higher point functions of string theory amplitudes but also it confirms the fact that there is no issue of picture dependence of the mixed closed RR, gauge fields, tachyons and fermion fields in all symmetric or anti symmetric ones. We compute < C −2 φ 0 T 0 T 0 > S-matrix in the presence of a transverse scalar field, two real tachyons and that reveals two different kinds of bulk singularity structures, involving an infinite number of u-channel gauge field and (u + s ′ + t ′ ) -channel scalar bulk poles. In order to produce all those bulk singularity structures, we define various couplings at the level of the effective field theory that involve the mixing term of Chern-Simons coupling (with C-potential field) and a covariant derivative of the scalar field that comes from the pull-back of brane. Eventually we explore their all order α ′ corrections in the presence of brane anti brane system where various remarks will be also pointed out.By studying the unstable branes in detail , one may hope to have some sort of understanding about supersymmetry breaking as well as getting more knowledge about at least some of the string theory 's properties in the backgrounds which are specially time dependent [1,2,3].Having dealt with unstable branes , one could also talk about Sakai-Sugimoto model [4], the low energy hadron physics in some of the holographic QCD models as well as studying properly the so called spontaneous symmetry breaking in some of the holographic QCD models [5]. Indeed we try to define flavour branes by embedding various parallel branes and consider all anti branes inside a background which must be dual to some theory such as colour confined theorem. In fact one might consider brane anti brane like system as a probe if and only if N f << N c . Strictly speaking, one reveals the fact that the presence of tachyons in the spectrum is the only source of instability in all these formalisms, therefore it absolutely makes sense to actually work out within details with some field theories that do include these unstable modes.It was A.Sen who realized an effective actions [6,7,8] that involves tachyons, can describe various issues such as the decays [9] of the odd parity branes or the so called non-BPS branes in superstring theory. It is also shown in [3] that the Effective Field Theory (EFT) for all non-BPS branes includes just massless states as well as tachyons as we have dealt with non-BPS effective actions in [10] where various remarks on tachyon condensation for brane anti brane system have also been presented in [11].Sen has also clarified for brane anti brane...