We study the dynamics of multi-component Bose gas described by the Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (VNLS), aka the Vector Gross-Pitaevskii Equation (VGPE) . Through a Madelung transformation, the VNLS can be reduced to coupled hydrodynamic equations in terms of multiple density and velocity fields. Using a multi-scaling and a perturbation method along with the Fredholm alternative, we reduce the problem to a Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) system. This is of great importance to study more transparently, the obscure features hidden in VNLS. This ensures that hydrodynamic effects such as dispersion and nonlinearity are captured at an equal footing. Importantly, before studying the KdV connection, we provide a rigorous analysis of the linear problem. We write down a set of theorems along with proofs and associated corollaries that shine light on the conditions of existence and nature of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the linear problem. This rigorous analysis is paramount for understanding the nonlinear problem and the KdV connection. We provide strong evidence of agreement between VNLS systems and KdV equations by using soliton solutions as a platform for comparison. Our results are expected to be relevant not only for cold atomic gases, but also for nonlinear optics and other branches where VNLS equations play a defining role.I.