One of the most puzzling results of an experiment on the stability of long liquid columns under microgravity, performed aboard Spacelab-D2 in 1993 and named STACO, aiming at the analysis of deformations of nearly cylindrical liquid columns under several mechanical disturbances, is revisited here. It corresponds to the unexplained breakage of an 85 mm long liquid bridge of low viscosity silicone oil, established between unequal discs of 30 and 28 mm, intended to counterbalance the expected deformation by residual acceleration found in previous flights, and left idle because the vibrations and oscillations to be applied afterwards were not started, for fear of premature breakage. A detailed image analysis is performed to extract the maximum amount of data, to be able to check against available theories for axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric deformations of a liquid column.