We prove that if (X, d, m) is an essentially non-branching metric measure space with m(X) = 1, having Ricci curvature bounded from below by K and dimension bounded above by N ∈ (1, ∞), understood as a synthetic condition called Measure-Contraction property, then a sharp isoperimetric inequalityà la Lévy-Gromov holds true. Measure theoretic rigidity is also obtained. model isoperimetric profile I CD K,N,D such that if a Riemannian manifold with density verifying CD(K, N ) has diameter at most D > 0, then the isoperimetric profile function of the weighted manifold is bounded from below by I CD K,N,D . After the works of Cordero-Erausquin-McCann-Schmuckenshläger [25], Otto-Villani [42] and von Renesse-Sturm [47], it was realized that the CD(K, ∞) condition in the smooth setting may be equivalently formulated synthetically as a certain convexity property of an entropy functional along W 2 Wasserstein geodesics (associated to L 2 -Optimal-Transport). This idea led Lott-Villani [36] and Sturm [51, 52], to propose a successful (and compatible with the classical one) synthetic definition of CD(K, N ) for a general (complete, separable) metric space (X, d) endowed with a (locally-finite Borel) reference measure m ("metricmeasure space", or m.m.s.); the theory of m.m.s.'s verifying CD(K, N ) has then extensively developed leading to a rich and fruitful approach to the geometry of m.m.s.'s by means of 3,4,27,26,5,38,29,33,13]. See also [1] for a recent account on the topic. Building on the work by Klartag [34] and the localization paradigm developed by Payne-Weinberger [44], Gromov-Milman [31] and Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits [32], the first author with Mondino [19] managed to extend Lévy-Gromov-Milman isoperimetric inequality to the class of essentially non-branching (see Section 2 for the definition) m.m.s.'s verifying CD(K, N ) with m(X) = 1; in particular [19] proves that