The SAFT-VR DFT Helmholtz free energy functional developed by Gloor et al., [J. Chem. Phys. 121, 12740 (2004)] is revisited and generalised to treat mixtures. The functional, which is based on the statistical associating fluid theory for attractive potentials of variable range (SAFT-VR) for homogeneous fluids, is constructed by partitioning the free energy density into a reference term (which incorporates all of the short-range interactions and is treated locally) and an attractive perturbation (which incorporates the long-range dispersion interactions). In this work, two different functionals are compared. In the first, one uses a mean-field version of the theory to treat the long-range dispersive interaction, incorporating an approximate treatment of the effect of the correlations on the attractive energy between the segments by introducing a short range attractive contribution in the reference term. In the second, one approximates the correlation function of the molecular segments in the inhomogeneous system with that of a homogeneous system with an average density of the two positions, following the ideas 2