Few years ago, Setare [1] has investigated the Cardy-Verlinde formula of non-commutative black hole obtained by non-commutativity of coordinates. In this paper, we apply the same procedure to a non-commutative black hole obtained by the co-ordinate coherent approch. The Cardy-Verlinde formula is entropy formula of conformal field theory in an arbitrary dimension. It relates the entropy of conformal filed theory to its total energy and Casimir energy. In paper, we have calculated the total energy and Casimir energy of noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole and have shown that entropy of non-commutative Schwarzschild black hole horizon can be expressed in terms of Cardy-Verlinde formula.as generalized Verlinde formula (commonly termed as Cardy-Verlinde formula). Recently, it has been investigated that this formula hold well for Reissner-Nordström de-Sitter black hole (BH) [3] and charged Kerr BH [4]. Birmingham and Mokhtari proved the validity of Birmingham and Mokhtari [5] proved the Verlinde formula for Taub-Bolt-Anti-de-Sitter BH. Setare and Jamil [6] discussed the Cardy-Verlinde formula for charged BTZ BH. Many authors [7]-[12] have proved the validity of Cardy-Verlinde for different BHs. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the validity of Cardy-Verlinde entropy formula for NC Schwarzschild BH.In classical general relativity (GR), the curvature singularity is such a point where physical description of the gravitational field is impossible. This problem can be removed in GR by taking into account the quantum mechanical treatment to the standard formulation of GR. Motivated by such reasoning, some BH solutions in non-commutative (NC) field theory have been derived. In these solutions, curvature singularity at origin is removed by de-Sitter core which is introduced due to NC nature of spacetime [13]. Ansoldi et al. [14] formulated the NC charged BHs solutions, this was extended to rotating non-commutative BHs case by Modesto and Nicollini [15]. Mann and Nicolini [16] have discussed the cosmological production of NC BHs. The first NC version of wormholes solution was investigated by Nicolini and Spallucci [17]. Farook et al. [18] have investigated the higher dimensional wormhole solutions in NC theory of gravity. Motivated by such NC correction to BHs, Sharif and Abbas [19] studied the thin shell collapse in NC Reissner-Nordström geometry. Banerjee and Gangopadhyay [20] derived the Komar energy and Sammar formula for NC Schwarzschild BH.Motivated by the recent development in NC theory of gravity, we have proved that the entropy of NC Schwarzschild BH horizon can be expressed in terms of Cardy-Verlinde formula. For this purpose, we have used the Setare and Jamil method [6]. The plan of the paper is as follows: In section 2, we briefly discussed the the thermodynamical relations of NC Schwarzschild BH and Cardy-Verlinde formula and proved that entropy of non-commutative Schwarzschild BH horizon in can be expressed in terms of Cardy-Verlinde formula. Section 3 is devoted to the concluded remarks of the work ...