“…The relation ≤ T is consistent with the natural partial order on the set of tripotents, that is, for any two tripotents e and u we have e ≤ u if and only if e ≤ T u. Following the same reference, a tripotent e in E * * satisfying that E * * 0 (e) ∩ E is weak * dense in E * * 0 (e) is called closed relative to E. The following characterization of compact tripotents in the second dual of a JB * -triple has been borrowed from [25,Theorem 2.6] (see also [26,Theorem 3.2]), and will be applied later. After having introduced the necessary concepts, the norm closed faces of the closed unit ball of a JB * -triple E can be characterized in terms of the compact tripotents in E * * via the next theorem, which due to Edwards, Fernández-Polo, Hoskin and the first author of this note (see [18]).…”