In this paper, a noncommutative gravitational theory is constructed by applying Moyal deformation quantization and the Seiberg-Witten map to teleparallel gravity, a classical gravitational theory, as a gauge theory of local translational symmetry. Since our model is based on teleparallel gravity, it is an extremely simple noncommutative gravitational theory. We also clearly divide the role of the products, such that the metric is responsible for the rule of the inner product (which is calculated by taking the sum over the subscripts) and the Moyal product is responsible for tensor and field noncommutativity. This solves problems related to the order of the products and the relationship between the metric and the Moyal product. Furthermore, we analyze the cosmic evolution of the very early universe and the spacetime features around black holes using the constructed noncommutative gravitational theory, and find that gravity acts repulsively in the extreme region where its quantum effects become prominent.