In many applications, it is required to control a large output load using a relatively low control force. To satisfy such purposes, a device like mechanical power amplifier can be used which generally gives a very fast response. As per the requirement of the system, power can be instantaneously available from continuously rotating drums of the mechanical power amplifier.
This paper focuses on the computation of amplification factor of the mechanical power amplifier for different rope materials like leather, woven cotton and steel rope.
In this study the experimental analysis is performed. A capstan is a simple mechanical amplifier-rope wound on a motor-driven drum. The drums rotate continuously but communicate torque only when the input shaft is rotated to constricts drum A as shown in Fig. (3).
From the experimental analysis, it endorses that when the optimal number of turns tend to two, power amplification factor is to be 2.23 for leather contact, 1.867 for woven cotton contact, 1.32 for steel contact of rope.
From the experimental analysis, it is seen that power amplification is higher for leather as compared to woven cotton and steel. The results are remarkably consistent with experimental measurements including favorable calculation of amplification factor.