We consider a model based on the supersymmetric QCD theory with N c = 2 and N f = 3. The theory is strongly coupled at the infrared scale Λ H . Its low energy effective theory below Λ H is described by the supersymmetric standard model with the Higgs sector that contains four iso-spin doublets, two neutral iso-spin singlets and two charged iso-spin singlets. If Λ H is at the multi-TeV to 10 TeV, coupling constants for the F-terms of these composite fields are relatively large at the electroweak scale. Nevertheless, the SM-like Higgs boson is predicted to be as light as 125 GeV because these F-terms contribute to the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson not at the tree level but at the one-loop level. A large non-decoupling effect due to these F-terms appears in the one-loop correction to the triple Higgs boson coupling, which amounts to a few tens percent. Such a non-decoupling property in the Higgs potential realizes the strong first order phase transition, which is required for a successful scenario of electroweak baryogenesis.Recently, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC [1] have reported an excess in the gamma-gamma mode at about 125 GeV, which may be a signal of the Higgs boson. In the Standard Model (SM), a light Higgs boson is the evidence of the weakly coupled Higgs sector. In models for physics beyond the SM, however, the light Higgs boson does not always correspond to a weakly coupled theory. The scenario based on little Higgs models [2] is an example of a strongly coupled theory with a light Higgs boson, where the Higgs boson arises as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson originating from the breaking of some strongly interacting global symmetry at the TeV scale, and the Higgs boson mass is kept to be light. Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most attractive candidates for the physics beyond the SM. SUSY can solve the gauge hierarchy problem, as the quadratic divergence in the radiative correction to the Higgs boson mass is cancelled owing to the non-renormalization theorem.In addition, elementary scalar fields are automatically introduced in the SUSY theory. The Higgs sector of the minimal SUSY extension of the SM (MSSM) necessarily contains two Higgs doublets. In the MSSM, the coupling constants in the Higgs potential are determined by the electroweak gauge couplings, and the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson is less than the Z boson mass at the tree level. With significant radiative corrections due to the large top Yukawa coupling [3], the Higgs mass can be pushed up to around 125 GeV in the case of very large stop masses or very large left-right stop mixing.Even within the framework based on SUSY, models with strongly coupled light Higgs boson can be constructed. A possible way is to introduce additional R-parity-even chiral superfields which strongly couple to the Higgs sector but the F-terms of which do not contribute to the Higgs boson four-point coupling. In this case, the SM-like Higgs boson is kept to be light. The strong couplings have rich phenomenological implications. First, radiative corrections...