The development of a materials synthesis route is usually based on heuristics and experience. A possible new approach would be to apply data-driven approaches to learn the patterns of synthesis from past experience and use them to predict the syntheses of novel materials. However, this route is impeded by the lack of a large-scale database of inorganic materials synthesis "recipes" from over 4 million papers. Extracted information includes target material and precursors, their quantities, and the synthesis operations and their attributes. Information about the targets and precursors is then used to build a reaction formula for every synthesis procedure. This dataset is the first large-scale dataset of solution-based synthesis recipes, and should pave the way for future data-driven approaches to inorganic materials synthesis and synthesizability, and to design optimized synthesis procedures in automated experimentation.
Content acquisitionThe journal articles used in this work were downloaded with publisher consent from Wiley, Elsevier, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Electrochemical Society, the American Chemical Society, the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Physics, and Nature Publishing Group. A customized web-scraper, Borges (see Codes Availability section below), was used to automatically download a broad selection of materials-relevant papers published after the year 2000 from publishers' websites in HTML/XML format. We selected 2000 as the cutoff year as parsing of materials science papers stored as image PDFs (as for most papers published before 2000) introduces a significant number of errors due to the limitations of currently available optical character recognition models on chemistry containing text [45,46].To convert the articles from HTML/XML into raw-text files, we developed the LimeSoup toolkit (see Codes Availability section below), which takes into account the specific format standards of various publishers and journals. The full-text and metadata of the articles such as the journal name, article title, abstract, author names, etc., are stored in a MongoDB ( database collection. To date, we have accumulated 4.06 million articles, which are used for further processing down the pipeline (Figure 1).
Paragraph classificationParagraphs containing information about solution synthesis (referred to as "synthesis paragraphs" throughout this paper) were identified using a Bidirectional Encoder Represen-