Equation of convective diffusion of ionized metal vapour in arc plasma, allowing for the difference in coefficients of diffusion of atoms, single-and double-charged metal ions, presence of thermodiffusion flows of metal particles, as well as ion drift in the electric field, was proposed to more precisely define the earlier developed complex model of the processes of energy, mass and charge transfer in the column and anode region of electric arc with refractory cathode and evaporating anode, running in inert gas. Based on the thus precised complex mathematical model, numerical analysis of the influence of diffusion-induced evaporation of anode material (Fe) on heat, gas-dynamic and electromagnetic characteristics of multicomponent plasma of the column and anode region of stationary electric arc with refractory cathode (W) at its running in inert gas (Ar) was performed. An essential influence of metal surface temperature distribution in the region of anode binding of the arc on distribution of temperature and electric current density in near-anode plasma, as well as on distributed and integral characteristics of its thermal impact on evaporating anode surface, is shown. 18 Ref., 12 Figures.
K e y w o r d s : electric arc, refractory cathode, evaporating anode, arc column, anode region, multicomponent plasma, metal vapour, diffusion, mathematical simulationElectric arc plasma in inert-gas nonconsumableelectrode welding, as a rule, is multicomponent, as alongside shielding gas particles, it contains atoms and ions of metal vapour coming to the arc gap due to evaporation of anode metal from weld pool surface. Presence of an even small amount of metal component in inert gas arc plasma has an essential influence on its ionization composition, thermodynamic, transport and optical properties. It leads to a significant difference of heat, electromagnetic and gas-dynamic characteristics of plasma in near-anode zone of arc column in nonconsumable-electrode welding from respective characteristics of arc discharge with refractory cathode and nonevaporating, for instance, water-cooled anode. Characteristics of welding arc anode region, determining the conditions of thermal and electromagnetic interaction of the arc with metal being welded and, consequently, nature of its penetration, are also different [1].In the first publications, devoted to mathematical simulation of the processes of heat, mass and charge transfer in refractory cathode arcs [2-10], arc plasma was assumed to be single-component, i.e. containing atoms and ions of just the shielding gas. Such idealization did not incorporate any conditions of running of real welding arcs, and required further improvement of mathematical models of the arc, in order to allow for a number of additional physical factors, related to multicomponent nature of arc plasma. Publications devoted to allowing for evaporation of anode material in simulation of nonconsumableelectrode welding arc, appeared in the world scientific literature comparatively recently [11][12][13]. When describing...