The recently introduced Euro 7 emissions standard regulation foresees the addition of abrasion limits for tyres sold in the European Union. The measurement procedures for tyre abrasion are described in the newly introduced Annex 10 of the United Nations (UN) Regulation 117. However, the limits are not yet defined as there is no data available regarding the new procedure. For this reason, a market assessment campaign is ongoing under the auspices of the UN Task Force on Tyre Abrasion (TFTA). Recent reviews on the topic also concluded that there is a lack of studies measuring the abrasion rates of tyres. In this study, we measured the abrasion rate of one tyre model at two different locations (Spain and China) with the aim of deep diving into possible influencing factors. Additionally, wear rates were studied separately for urban, rural, and motorway routes to get more insight into the impact of the route characteristics. The abrasion rates varied from 22 mg/km to 123 mg/km per vehicle, depending on the route (urban, rural, motorway) and ambient temperature. The overall average trip abrasion rates were 75 mg/km and 45 mg/km per vehicle at the two locations, respectively. However, when corrected for the different ambient temperatures, the rates were 63 mg/km and 60 mg/km per vehicle, respectively. The impacts of other parameters, such as driving dynamics and road surface, on the final results are also discussed. The average tread depth reduction was estimated to be 0.8–1.4 mm every 10,000 km.