We consider the problem of finding all space-time metrics for which all Penrose limits are diagonalisable plane waves. This requirement leads to a conformally invariant differential condition on the Weyl spinor which we analyse for different algebraic types. The only vacuum examples are some of the nonrotating type D metrics, but some nonvacuum solutions are also displayed. The condition requires the Weyl spinor, whenever it is nonzero, to be proportional to a valence-4 Killing spinor with a real function of proportionality. * I would like to dedicate this paper to the memory of Stephen Siklos, who first derived some of the metrics discussed here. He was a droll and cultured colleague, with the true pedagogic and academic values.analysis of this condition, and in particular its association with Killing spinors, then leads to our main result, Proposition 1. In an appendix we consider Penrose limits of the vacuum Kasner metric.Acknowledgement: I am grateful for the hospitality of the Mittag-Leffler Institute in the programme 'General Relativity, Geometry and Analysis', where this work was completed.
Plane waves and the Penrose LimitWe review some of the theory of plane waves and present a slightly different take on the Penrose limit.