We derive and analyse the full set of equations of motion for non-extreme static black holes (including examples with the spatial curvatures k = −1 and k = 0) in D=5 N =2 gauged supergravity by employing the techniques of "very special geometry". These solutions turn out to differ from those in the ungauged supergravity only in the non-extremality function, which has an additional term (proportional to the gauge coupling g), responsible for the appearance of naked singularities in the BPS-saturated limit. We derive an explicit solution for the ST U model of gauged supergravity which is incidentally also a solution of D=5 N =4 and N =8 gauged supergravity. This solution is specified by three charges, the asymptotic negative cosmological constant (minimum of the potential) and a non-extremality parameter. While its BPS-saturated limit has a naked singularity, we find a lower bound on the non-extremality parameter (or equivalently on the ADM mass) for which the non-extreme solutions are regular. When this bound is saturated the extreme (non-supersymmetric) solution has zero Hawking temperature and finite entropy. Analogous qualitative features are expected to emerge for black hole solutions in D = 4 gauged supergravity as well. a behrndt@physik.hu-berlin.de b cvetic@cvetic.hep.upenn.edu c ws00@aub.edu.lb Within this more general setting we address such static black holes, with k = ±1, 0. After briefly reviewing D=5 N = 2 gauged supergravity theory in Section 2 we derive d BPS-saturated topological black holes in gauged supergravity, also with naked singularities, were obtained in [5,6].