In providing shelter to orphans, the government, NGOs, private and religious bodies take the initiative to provide shelter, educational facilities and skills that are available to children from intact families. The existence of unregistered orphanage institutions contributes to a variety of problems such as lack of funds, institutions closing down and the lack of essential facilities in orphanage on safety and educational facilities. This article aims to provide a review of the profile of the orphanages in the state of Terengganu, Malaysia. This study used a qualitative research design consisting of structured interviews guided by a checklist on 49 institutions. The purposive sampling method was used in this study. The data obtained were analyzed using the frequency and percentages of the builtin checklists. The study found that only 48 institutions are registered and only 6 institutions are not registered with the government or NGO. Of the 28 institutions (57.1%) are Tahfiz streams, 14 institutions (28.6%) are Academic and Tahfiz streams and 7 institutions (14.3%) are Academic streams. In conclusion, this study proposes that the institutions of care should be registered with the government or NGOs.