A chiral random matrix model with complex eigenvalues is solved as an effective model for QCD with non-vanishing chemical potential. We derive new matrix model correlation functions which predict the local fluctuations of complex Dirac operator eigenvalues at zero virtuality. The parameter which measures the non-Hermiticity of the Dirac matrix is identified with the chemical potential.In the phase with broken chiral symmetry all spectral correlations of the Dirac eigenvalues are calculated as functions of quark flavors and chemical potential. The derivation uses the orthogonality of the Laguerre polynomials in the complex plane. Explicit results are given for any finite matrix size N as well in the large-N limit for weak and strong non-Hermiticity. Much less is known so far for spectral correlations of complex eigenvalues derived from RMM. Although the first results date back to Ginibre [5] where the correlations for the complex Unitary Ensemble labeled by the Dyson index β = 2 were calculated, progress has been slow. The correlation functions of the ensemble with real non-symmetric matrices (β = 1) are still unknown. Results for quaternion matrices (β = 4) were obtained more recently in [6,7] and the inclusion of Dirac mass terms for β = 2 in [8]. Furthermore, it has been realized by works of Fyodorov and collaborators [9] that different regimes of complex eigenvalues exist, the weak and strong nonHermiticity limit. In the present work we wish to extend the knowledge about complex matrix models to the socalled chiral models.Chiral RMM of real eigenvalues have been introduced to describe the local fluctuation properties of the Dirac operator in QCD at the origin [10]. The low energy spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator is a very sensitive tool to study the phenomenon of chiral symmetry breaking [11]. The predictions of the different chiral RMM ensembles have been very successful in describing the dependence on the gauge group and its representation, the number of quark flavors and masses and the topology [12]. In particular the topology dependence has been very useful in comparison with new developments in lattice gauge theory, admitting to incorporate an exact chiral symmetry [13]. By now the field theoretic origin of the RMM description has also been well understood [14].On the other hand lattice simulations in the presence of a chemical potential µ, which renders the Dirac eigenvalues complex, remain extremely difficult, as reviewed in [15]. Although recent progress has been made [16] along the phase transition line the general phase diagram remains unexplored for µ = 0. It is in this context that analytical knowledge of microscopic correlation functions from complex chiral RMM could be very useful, in view of its success in predicting real eigenvalue correlations.Chiral RMM including a chemical potential have been already studied in several works [4,17,18,19]. In [4] the nature of the quenched limit has been analyzed in such a model, and the global density of complex eigenvalues together with its boundary hav...