Fourteen patients with spinal lymphoma examined by MR imaging were reviewed. Thirteen of them also had extraspinal lymphoma. Vertebral involvement was found in 12 patients, epidural in 10, and paraspinal in 8 patients. On the basis of MR imaging at 0.3 T, spinal lymphoma may be divided into three types of growth pattern according to the main location: paraspinal, vertebral, and epidural. Most frequently, all three locations were found simultaneously on MR (7/14). In one patient the location was vertebral with epidural extension, in one paraspinal with vertebral extension, in 3 it was entirely vertebral, and in 2 entirely epidural. Multiple plane TI-weighted imaging gave complete information about the extent of spinal lymphoma. The signal intensity was lower than or equal to muscle and lower than bone marrow in paraspinal and vertebral lesions on TI-weighted images and high on TZweighted images. Epidural lesions showed a hypo-or isointense signal relative to the cord on TI-weighted images except in one case and a hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images. Compression of the cord and cauda equina due to bulging of diseased vertebral bodies and epidural lesions was well demonstrated. MR imaging was also found useful in the follow-up of treatment.