We are reporting about a case of a rheumatoid nodule, beneath the ischial tuberosity, mimicking ischiogluteal bursitis. Rheumatoid nodules are frequently seen, at the subcutaneous soft tissues of repetitive mechanical irritation points, and prominent bones. There have been no reported cases of rheumatoid nodules, extending just beneath the ischial tuberosity bone. A 68-year-old woman with a seven-year history of rheumatoid arthritis, suffered for six months, from right buttock swelling and discomfort in seating. A cystic lesion postero-inferior to the ischial tuberosity, was noted in the MRI scan, which was thought to be ischiogluteal bursitis, because of its characteristic location and appearance. Histopathologic analysis and gross findings on the operation, revealed no evidence of bursitis.