The complex Wishart ensemble is the statistical ensemble of M ×N complex random matrices with M ≥ N such that the real and imaginary parts of each element are given by independent standard normal variables. The Marcenko-Pastur (MP) density ρ(x; r), x ≥ 0 describes the distribution for squares of the singular values of the random matrices in this ensemble in the scaling limit N → ∞, M → ∞ with a fixed rectangularity r = N/M ∈ (0, 1]. The dynamical extension of the squared-singular-value distribution is realized by the noncolliding squared Bessel process, and its hydrodynamic limit provides the two-parametric MP density ρ(x; r, t) with time t ≥ 0, whose initial distribution is δ(x). Recently, Blaizot, Nowak, and Warcho l studied the time-dependent complex Wishart ensemble with an external source and introduced the threeparametric MP density ρ(x; r, t, a) by analyzing the hydrodynamic limit of the process starting from δ(x − a), a > 0. In the present paper, we give useful expressions for ρ(x; r, t, a) and perform a systematic study of dynamic critical phenomena observed at the critical time t c (a) = a when r = 1. The universal behavior in the long-term limit t → ∞ is also reported.Keywords Marcenko-Pastur law · Wishart random-matrix ensemble · Wishart process · Random-matrix ensemble with an external source · Hydrodynamic limit · Dynamic critical phenomena