Daily monitoring of symptoms of high fever and contact tracing are the main steps in early detection of COVID-19 transmission. A person who is suspected of being infected with COVID-19 with symptoms of a high fever based on a record of his body temperature scan, must as soon as possible get activity surveillance. People with high fever symptoms should get detailed supervision regarding their movement so as not to pose a more severe risk. This study offers a noncontact human body temperature scanning technology without touching the skin, along with the ability to remember the identity of a person with high fever symptoms and the ability to trace his position immediately after the scan occurs. This feature is attached to a digital thermometer prototype that works on multi-platform operating systems. In addition, this technology is able to remotely distribute internet-based temperature scans using the WhatsApp social media network. Based on the results of trials that have been carried out on scanning human body temperature, this thermometer has worked as expected. The results of the temperature scan by the MLX90614 sensor which work in conjunction with Arduino and SIM900, have been able to send temperature data to the WhatsApp application. We have developed a regression formula for an additional treatment in the calibration of temperature measurements. The time required for the process of sending temperature data from the MLX90614 sensor to the WhatsApp application on the smartphone varies from 1 to 3 seconds.