The World Health Organization forecasts a population of 2,000 million people over 60 years by the year 2050, with 7% of this population suffering from dementia, a disease of public priority. Making a constant evaluation of older adults allows early detection of the disease and provides a better quality of life in the patient. In this sense, the research and development of innovative technological systems for the management of the growing number of patients with cognitive diseases has increased in recent years, integrating data collection and its automatic processing based on geriatric metrics into these systems using artificial intelligence (AI) methods, such that they can establish disease detection at an early stage and follow-up of it, in order to support the increase in patients expected in the coming years in the clinical area. This research presents an interactive web platform that allows users with internet connection from any mobile device, computer, laptop, or other devices, to remotely perform an automated assessment of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test. This test detects and assesses cognitive deterioration. We use AI and neural network methods for binary and multiclass classification to obtain assessment scores according to geriatric metrics. Subsequently, this test is validated remotely by a mental health specialist. The tests carried out show a correct correspondence in the handling of the information and the results regarding the reference data for comparison. Our system provides an automated and easyto-use digital evaluation metric.