We present a protocol for directly detecting time-dependent magnetic field waveforms with a quantum two-level system. Our method is based on a differential refocusing of segments of the waveform using spin echoes. The sequence can be repeated to increase the sensitivity to small signals. The frequency bandwidth is intrinsically limited by the duration of the refocusing pulses. We demonstrate detection of arbitrary waveforms with ∼ 20 ns time resolution and ∼ 4 µT/ √ Hz field sensitivity using the electronic spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond.Well-controlled two-level quantum systems with long coherence times have proven useful for precision sensing [1,2] of various physical quantities including temperature [3], pressure [4], or electric [5] and magnetic fields [6, 7]. By devising suitable coherent control sequences, such as dynamical decoupling [8], quantum sensing has been extended to time-varying signals. In particular, coherent control schemes have allowed the recording of frequency spectra [9-11] and lock-in measurements of harmonic test signals [12].A more general task is the recording of arbitrary waveform signals, in analogy to the oscilloscope in electronic test and measurement. In this case, conventional dynamical decoupling sequences are no longer the method of choice as the sensor output is non-trivially connected to the input waveform signal, requiring alternative sensing approaches. For slowly varying signals, the transition frequency of the sensor can be tracked in real time [13], permitting detection of arbitrary waveforms in a single shot. By using a large ensemble of quantum sensors detection bandwidths of up to ∼ 1 MHz have been demonstrated [14,15], with applications in MRI tomograph stabilization [14], neural signaling [16,17], or magnetoencephalography [18].For rapidly changing signals the waveform can no longer be tracked, and a general waveform cannot be recorded in a single shot. However, if a waveform is repetitive or can be re-triggered, multiple passages of the waveform can be combined to reconstruct the full waveform signal. This method, known as equivalent-time sampling, is routinely implemented in digital oscilloscopes to capture signals at effective sampling rates that are much higher than the rate of analog-to-digital conversion. In quantum sensing, one possibility is to record a series of time-resolved spectra that cover the duration of the waveform [19]. This method, however, is limited to strong signals because the spectral resolution inversely scales with the time resolution. Other approaches include pulsed Ramsey detection [20], Walsh dynamical decoupling [21,22], and Haar wavelet sampling [23], discussed below. These methods use coherent control of the sensor to achieve competitive sensitivities, but require some form of waveform reconstruction.In this Letter we experimentally demonstrate a simple quantum sensing sequence for directly recording timedependent magnetic fields with no need for signal reconstruction. Our method uses a spin echo to differentially ...