Abstract[Purpose] The usefulness of elective surgery after noninvasive manual reduction has been reported for cases of obturator hernia, but there is no consensus regarding indication of manual reduction. Therefore, we examined obturator hernia cases that we experienced in our hospital and evaluated the indication of manual reduction. [Materials and Methods] Thirty-three patients who underwent emergent surgery in the period from January 2003 to May 2013 were divided into a non bowel resection group (group A) and bowel resection group (group B).[Results] The average CRP level in group A was significantly lower than that in group B. The duration of symptoms in group A was significantly shorter than that in group B. The ratio of cases in which the contrast effect of the strangulated intestine on enhanced CT was maintained was higher in group A than in group B.[Conclusion] Noninvasive manual reduction and elective surgery should be considered in the case in which the contrast effect of the strangulated intestine has been maintained within 24 hours after onset and in which CRP level is less than 1.0mg/dl.
Key words: obturator hernia, manual reduction, elective surgery
IntroductionObturator hernias are mostly found in elderly and Received: December 4, 2013/ Accepted: March 31, 2014 Correspondence to: Yusuke Takahashi Department of Digestive Surgery, Niigata City General Hospital, 463-7 Shumoku Chuo-ku, Niigata, Niigata 950-1197, Japan underweight women, and emergent surgery is often performed in a poor state due to strangulation of the intestine and aspiration pneumonia after vomiting. Recently, the usefulness of elective surgery after noninvasive manual reduction has been reported for cases of obturator hernia, but there is no consensus regarding indication of manual reduction [1][2][3][4] . In the past 10 years, we have performed elective surgery after reduction of the incarcerated organ in two cases of obturator hernia, and we obtained good postoperative results. These two cases are presented here. We also reviewed cases of obturator hernia cases in which emergent surgery was performed in our hospital and evaluated the usefulness of elective surgery for obturator hernia.
Case1Patient: 88-year-old woman. Chief complaint: right thigh pain. Past history: Hypertension. Present illness: She visited our hospital with the chief complaint of right thigh pain. Findings: Height ; 138cm, body weight ; 35kg, BMI ; 18.6. Tenderness in the right groin. Positive for Howship-Romberg sign. CT findings: The small intestine was incarcerated in the right obturator foramen on plain CT, and it was released spontaneously on additional contrastenhanced CT (Fig. 1 ). Treatment plan: She had bilateral inguinal hernias and we selected elective surgery. Operation: We performed hernioplasty bilaterally by Kugelʼs method.Her postoperative course was uneventful and she was discharged on the day after the operation. Tenderness in the right groin. CT findings: The small intestine was incarcerated in the right obturator foramen and intestinal obstr...