It is well known that, due to vanishing theorems, there are no nontrivial finite action solutions to the Abelian Seiberg-Witten (SW) monopole equations on Euclidean four-dimensional space Ê 4 . We show that this is no longer true for the noncommutative version of these equations, i.e., on a noncommutative deformation Ê 4 θ of Ê 4 there exist smooth solutions to the SW equations having nonzero topological charge. We introduce action functionals for the noncommutative SW equations and construct explicit regular solutions. All our solutions have finite energy. We also suggest a possible interpretation of the obtained solutions as codimension four vortexlike solitons representing D(p − 4)-and D(p − 4)-branes in a Dp-Dp brane system in type II superstring theory.Ê 4 and fix our notation. In section 3 we introduce the noncommutatively deformed non-Abelian SW equations. We derive them from properly deformed U (2) self-duality type equations in eight dimensions [17] by a dimensional reduction to four dimensions (cf.[18]). The resulting U + (1) × U − (1), U + (1) and U − (1) noncommutative SW equations can also be produced from appropriate action functionals by using a Bogomolny type transformation. We point out that the U + (1)×U − (1), U + (1) and U − (1) noncommutative SW equations share the same commutative limit. In section 4 we present a number of regular solutions to the noncommutative SW equations and discuss their D-brane interpretation in a string theoretic context. In section 5 we conclude with a brief summary and open problems. Finally, in the Appendix we perform the Bogomolny type transformation for the noncommutative U + (1) × U − (1) SW action functional.2 SW monopole equations on Ê 4 SW action functional. In this paper we consider the SW equations on the Euclidean space Ê 4 , provided with the standard metric g = (δ µν ), where µ, ν, . . . = 1, . . . , 4. The (energy) functional E = E(A, Φ) for these equations has the form (cf., e.g., [19,20,21])(2.1) u(1)) is a connection one-form on Ê 4 with pure imaginary smooth coefficients and Φ ∈ C ∞ (Ê 4 , 2 ) is a Weyl spinor given by a smooth complex-valued vector function on Ê 4 . We denote by F + A ∈ Ω 2 + (Ê 4 , u(1)) the self-dual part of the curvature F A of A and by D A the covariant