The kinetics of spiropyran photochromic systems in solution in a
stirred batch reactor continuously irradiated
with monochromatic light was studied by UV/visible spectrophotometry.
The plots of absorbance vs time
were analyzed, and the desired parameters (quantum yields, UV/visible
spectrum of the unstable photomerocyanine, ...) were extracted from an iterative computation which fitted
the calculated curves to the experimental
ones on the basis of a representative model of the reaction mechanism.
The method was applied to spiro[benzothiazoline-2‘,2-benzopyran] whose corresponding photomerocyanine
has a lifetime of 100 s in toluene;
the two quantum yields of the direct process of photocoloration and the
reverse reaction of photobleaching
could be determined along with the spectrum of the corresponding
photomerocyanine. To demonstrate the
general nature of the photokinetic method, it was applied to the
reaction of spiro[indoline-2‘,2-benzopyran],
where the main photochromic process is accompanied by a
photodegradation. Despite this interfering
phenomenon, the photokinetic method could be used to extract the
parameters of the main photochromic
process. It also showed that the photodegradation products
catalyzed the thermal back-isomerization. The
order of magnitude of the rate constant of this catalytic process and
the quantum yields of photodegradation
were estimated.