S U M M A R YThe geological evolution of the rotational axis of the Earth is most likely controlled by internal mass redistribution within the mantle. Palaeomagnetic observations suggest that it is episodic in nature, with periods of quasi-standstill alternating with periods of faster wander. Here, we investigate two models for the influence of mantle plumes that vary at different spatial wavelengths on the time variations of the rotational axis (true polar wander; TPW). In the first model, we represent an upwelling plume as a sphere whose radius varies as a function of the flux of material in the conduit and that traverses the mantle at the Stokes velocity. Such a plume produces very little wander of the rotational axis. We then study the effects of two superswells that mimic the ones observed with seismic tomography and conclude that a doming regime within the mantle involves significant polar wander. Some of the features of this TPW that are directly linked to the periodicity of doming are reminiscent of observed phases of slow and fast TPW, with similar peak velocities.True polar wander (TPW) is the coherent motion of Earth with respect to its rotation axis. In view of the angular momentum theorem, it may be interpreted physically as the motion of the rotational axis with respect to the fixed terrestrial frame described by hotspots. On geological timescales, this motion is most likely controlled by internal mass redistribution within the mantle.Palaeomagnetic evidence from recent Earth history suggests that this motion has been small. Palaeomagnetic studies combine apparent polar wander based on palaeomagnetic data (the palaeomagnetic reference frame) with motions of hotspots with respect to lithospheric plates (the hotspot reference frame). Given the relative motions between the plates, the position of these plates with respect to the rotation axis (provided by palaeomagnetic results), and the relative motions between plates and a reference frame attached to the mantle, TPW can be defined as the motion of the mantle with respect to the rotation axis. A recent study (Besse & Courtillot 2002), hereafter referred to as BC02, confirms earlier findings that TPW appears to be episodic in nature, with periods of quasi-standstill alternating with periods of faster TPW (Fig. 1). Specifically, the path back to 200 Ma shows a standstill at 160-130 Ma, then a circular track from 130 to 70 Ma and finally a standstill at 50-10 Ma. As a result of the uncertainties in models of hotspot kinematics prior to 130 Ma, the behaviour of the TPW prior to that time is doubtful. The major event since 130 Ma is the end of the 130-60 Ma period of relatively fast polar wander (where the TPW rate averages 30 km Ma −1 ), with a standstill (i.e. no or little TPW) from 50 Ma (possibly as early as 80 Ma because of larger 95 per cent confidence circles) to 10 Ma. It seems that TPW may have been negligible for approximately 50 Ma, but accelerated a few millions years ago, with a velocity of the order of 100 km Ma −1 ; this recent acceleration ...