We investigate the mixed-valent regime of a two-configuration Anderson impurity model for uranium ions, with separate quadrupolar and magnetic doublets. With a new Monte Carlo approach and the non-crossing approximation we find: (i) A non-Fermi-liquid fixed point with two-channel Kondo model critical behavior; (ii) Distinct energy scales for screening the low-lying and excited doublets; (iii) A semi-quantitative explanation of magnetic-susceptibility data for U1−xThxBe13 assuming 60-70% quadrupolar doublet ground-state weight, supporting the quadrupolar-Kondo interpretation.PACS numbers: 75.20.Hr, 75.30.Mb, 71.27.+a Since the 1950's, Landau's Fermi-liquid theory has shaped our understanding of the metallic state. Based on the notion of a one-to-one mapping between the lowlying excitations of the interacting system and that of the noninteracting electron gas, the theory provides a remarkably robust scenario for the low-temperature properties of interacting electron systems. It is against this outstanding success that a growing class of f -shell materials -predominantly Ce-and U-based alloys -received considerable attention in recent years. Characterized by a logarithmically divergent linear coefficient of specific heat and anomalous temperature dependences of the resistivity and susceptibility, these materials appear to depart from the conventional Fermi-liquid scenario [1], thus challenging our understanding of metallic behavior.In this paper, we present results on the two-channel Anderson impurity model in the mixed-valent regime, motivated by the unusual nonlinear susceptibility data of the non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) alloy system U 1−x Th x Be 13 . The restricted Hilbert space of our model, a ground quadrupolar (non-Kramers) doublet in the 5f 2 configuration and a ground magnetic (Kramers) doublet in the 5f 3 configuration, renders it intractable to study by conventional Monte Carlo methods. We have developed a new Monte Carlo method based upon the mapping onto a Coulomb gas. We use this method to calibrate noncrossing approximation (NCA) results, which can then be extended to more extreme parameter regimes. We find that the model displays NFL physics characteristic of the two-channel Kondo model, even at the extreme mixed-valent limit when the two charge configurations are degenerate. We also find that two energy scales appear in the screening process away from the configurational degeneracy point. Using this model we are able to semi-quantitatively explain the linear and nonlinear susceptibility data by assuming 60-70% ground-state weight for the quadrupolar doublet, with the Th doping inducing a higher 5f 2 count, consistent with expectations from lattice constant data. We do not, however, explain the small energy scale for UBe 13 , and anticipate that dynamical inclusion of excited crystal field (CEF) levels in the 5f 2 configuration may remedy this problem. A proposed scenario for the NFL physics of UBe 13 involves the screening of uranium quadrupole moments in the 5f 2 configuration by conduction orbital ...