Let n > 3, and let L be a Lagrangian embedding of R n into the cotangent bundle T * R n of R n that agrees with the cotangent fiber T * x R n over a point x = 0 outside a compact set. Assume that L is disjoint from the cotangent fiber at the origin. The projection of L to the base extends to a map of the n-sphere S n into R n \ {0}. We show that this map is homotopically trivial, answering a question of Y. Eliashberg. We give a number of generalizations of this result, including homotopical constraints on embedded Lagrangian disks in the complement of another Lagrangian submanifold, and on two-component links of immersed Lagrangian spheres with one double point in T * R n , under suitable dimension and Maslov index hypotheses. The proofs combine techniques from [21,22] with symplectic field theory. arXiv:1609.07591v2 [math.SG]