We make progress in the following three problems: 1. Constructing optimal seeded nonmalleable extractors; 2. Constructing optimal privacy amplification protocols with an active adversary, for any possible security parameter; 3. Constructing extractors for independent weak random sources, when the min-entropy is extremely small (i.e., near logarithmic).For the first two problems, the best known non-malleable extractors by Chattopadhyay, Goyal and Li [CGL16], and by Cohen [Coh16a,Coh16b] all require seed length and min-entropy at least log 2 (1/ε), where ε is the error of the extractor. As a result, the best known explicit privacy amplification protocols with an active adversary, which achieve 2 rounds of communication and optimal entropy loss in [Li15c, CGL16], can only handle security parameter up to s = Ω( √ k), where k is the min-entropy of the shared secret weak random source. For larger s the best known protocol with optimal entropy loss in [Li15c] requires O(s/ √ k) rounds of communication.In this paper we give an explicit non-malleable extractor that only requires seed length and min-entropy log 1+o(1) (n/ε), which also yields a 2-round privacy amplification protocol with optimal entropy loss for security parameter up to s = k 1−α for any constant α > 0. For the third problem, previously the best known extractor which supports the smallest min-entropy due to Li [Li13a], requires min-entropy log 2+δ n and uses O(1/δ) sources, for any constant δ > 0. A very recent result by Cohen and Schulman [CS16] improves this, and constructed explicit extractors that use O(1/δ) sources for min-entropy log 1+δ n, any constant δ > 0. In this paper we further improve their result, and give an explicit extractor that uses O(1) (an absolute constant) sources for min-entropy log 1+o(1) n. The key ingredient in all our constructions is a generalized, and much more efficient version of the independence preserving merger introduced in [CS16], which we call non-malleable independence preserving merger. Our construction of the merger also simplifies that of [CS16], and may be of independent interest.