Objectives:To assess the detectability of a low-signal-intensity line within adenomyosis lesions adjacent to the endometrium on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps, and to establish correlations between these lesions and their possible causes, and more particularly the hormonal changes and magnetic resonance (MR) factors.Materials and methods:MR images were obtained from 110 patients with adenomyosis (age 30–57 y.o.) using 3.0 T or 1.5 T MR units. Recognition of the low-signal-intensity line on ADC map was scored using confidence level. The correlation between recognition of the line and the following factors were examined: magnetic field strength, age group, menstrual cycle phases, history of delivery, and hormonal treatments. Presence of the structure corresponding to the low-signal-intensity line on ADC map was evaluated pathologically in the cases that underwent surgery.Results:The low-signal-intensity line visible on ADC map was recognized in 55/110 patients. The visibility of the line was not significantly related to hormonal status, age, history of delivery, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnet strength. There were no corresponding pathological structures.Conclusion:One half of the adenomyosis patients showed discrepant appearances in T2-weighted (T2WI) vs. ADC map, but no significant relationship with hormonal changes was found in this study. This result may suggest that the low-signal-intensity line within the junctional zone may be related to a functional phenomenon.