This paper presents a complete set of friction factor correlations for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in laminar and turbulent flow in coiled tubing. The friction factor correlation for non-Newtonian fluids in laminar flow is obtained based on theoretical analysis and numerical solutions of the flow equations of a power-law model fluid in curved pipes. The empirical correlation for non-Newtonian fluids in turbulent flow is developed based on full-scale experiments of polymeric fluid systems in various 1", 1–1/2", and 2–3/8" coiled tubing reels. To consider the effect of pipe roughness in coiled tubing, a modified correlation is proposed by combining the Srinivasan et al. correlation for smooth curved pipe and the Chen correlation for rough straight pipe. Examples are given to illustrate the applications and accuracies of the newly developed correlations.
The friction factor in curved pipe at a given Reynolds number is greater than that in straight pipe due to the existence of the secondary flow which is caused by the effect of the centrifugal forces in curved flow geometry. Dean1,2 conducted the first theoretical study of Newtonian fluid flow in curved pipes by solving the momentum and continuity equations using a successive approximation method. A recent literature review3 indicates that the flow of Newtonian fluids in curved pipes has been studied extensively since the pioneering work of Dean1,2. On the contrast, the information on studies of non-Newtonian fluid flow in curved pipes is relatively scarce.
Coiled tubing (CT) has been successfully used in the oil and gas industry for well drilling, completion, wellbore cleanout, stimulation, and other field operations. In these coiled tubing applications, fluids, typically non-Newtonian fluids, are generally pumped through the coiled tubing. Due to the small diameter and excessive friction loss caused by secondary flow, the maximum pumping rate obtainable is often limited. For engineering design purposes, practically useful correlations are needed to accurately predict the frictional pressure losses in the coiled tubing string and the pumping power requirement.
The present work is an effort to meet such needs by providing a complete set of friction factor correlations for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in laminar and turbulent flow conditions. For non-Newtonian laminar flow, a new correlation is developed through the boundary layer approximation analysis and by using the numerical solutions of the flow equations of a power-law model fluid in coiled tubing. The correlation is presented in an empirical form for convenience. For non-Newtonian turbulent flow, a new correlation is established based on the recent experiments performed using a full-scale coiled tubing flow test facility. A modified correlation for turbulent Newtonian fluid flow is also proposed to include the effect of pipe roughness. Finally, examples are given to illustrate the application of these new correlations and their accuracies in estimating friction factors for coiled tubing.
Newtonian Fluid
Laminar Flow.
Numerous correlations for laminar Newtonian fluid flow in curved pipes are available in literature3. Four of them are given below:
Ito4 Correlation:
Equation 1
where fCL and fSL are the friction factors of laminar flow in curved and straight pipes respectively. NDe is called Dean number and is defined as the product of Reynolds number (NRe) and the square root of the curvature ratio (a/R). The correlation was obtained numerically using the approach of boundary layer approximation. It is applicable for laminar flow at large Dean number, say, NDe > 100.
Laminar Flow.
Numerous correlations for laminar Newtonian fluid flow in curved pipes are available in literature3. Four of them are given below:
Ito4 Correlation:
Equation 1
where fCL and fSL are the friction factors of laminar flow in curved and straight pipes respectively. NDe is called Dean number and is defined as the product of Reynolds number (NRe) and the square root of the curvature ratio (a/R). The correlation was obtained numerically using the approach of boundary layer approximation. It is applicable for laminar flow at large Dean number, say, NDe > 100.
Ito4 Correlation:Equation 1
where fCL and fSL are the friction factors of laminar flow in curved and straight pipes respectively. NDe is called Dean number and is defined as the product of Reynolds number (NRe) and the square root of the curvature ratio (a/R). The correlation was obtained numerically using the approach of boundary layer approximation. It is applicable for laminar flow at large Dean number, say, NDe > 100.