Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia is a relatively rare but extremely complex pathology in terms of diagnosis. A wide range of reasons for the development of non-occlusive impression dramatically complicates the diagnosis and differentiation with other abdominal pathology. The vast majority of publications in the domestic literature on acute disorders of mesenteric blood flow, mostly address the problems of diagnosis and treatment of occlusive types of mesenteric ischemia, while the topic of non-occlusive ischemia remains insufficiently covered. Given that in half of the cases NOMI is diagnosed at the stage of irreversible necrotic changes of the intestine – there is a real need to generalize the root causes and mechanisms of neoclustive mesenteric ischemia, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment. Purpose – to analyze of the causes, prevalence, classification, diagnosis and treatment of non-occlusive disorders of mesenteric blood flow. This research, based on literature review, showed that acute non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) is associated with poor prognosis due to the lack of accurate diagnostic measures. First of all, clarity regarding biochemical markers. Therefore, the research and development of the latter is seen as a priority. Contrast methods of examination (computed tomography, angiography) are the only possible diagnostic tools. Pharmacological correction is fundamental and presupposes the use of drugs with a vasodilating effect systemically or locally (catheter-associated). An important issue is the development of pharmacological agents that allow targeted action on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of NOMI. A multidisciplinary approach involving a specialized doctor, a surgeon, an X-ray endovascular surgeon and an intensive care physician in the treatment of a patient with suspected NOMI is the foundation for the success of therapy. The question of the use of laparoscopy remains controversial, given the invasiveness of the method and the difficulty of interpreting the changes detected in the early phase of the disease. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors. Key words: acute mesenteric ischemia, non-occlusive disorders of mesenteric blood flow.