Abstract. We explored how morphological and physiological traits associated with energy expenditure over long periods of cold exposure would be integrated in a potential response to natural selection in a wild mammal, Phyllotis darwini. In particular, we studied sustained energy expenditure (SusMR), the rate of expenditure fueled by concurrent energy intake, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS ϭ SusMR/BMR), a measure of the reserve for sustained work. We included the masses of different central processing organs as an underlying factor that could have a mechanistic link with whole animal traits. Only the liver had heritability statistically different from zero (0.73). Physiological and morphological traits had high levels of specific environmental variance (average 70%) and postnatal common environmental variance (average 30%) which could explain the low heritabilities estimates. Our results, (1) are in accordance with previous studies in mammals that report low heritabilities for metabolic traits (SusMR, BMR, SusMS), (2) but not completely with previous ones that report high heritabilities for morphological traits (masses of central organs), and (3) provide important evidence of the relevance of postnatal common environmental variance to sustained energy expenditure.Key words. Energy budget, heritability, mammal, sustained metabolic rate.Received June 25, 2003. Accepted September 22, 2003 In recent years the evolutionary role of physiological variation within natural populations has been a subject of intensive research (Garland and Carter 1994;Bradley and Zamer 1999;Feder et al. 2000). A key parameter focused in many of the studies is the narrow-sense heritability (h 2 ) or the proportion of population phenotypic variance of a trait that is additive genetic (Roff 1997). This is because the extent of the evolutionary response to natural or sexual selection is dependent on the magnitude of h 2 . However, organisms comprise far more than just one trait, and thus the evolutionary response to selection could involve simultaneous modifications of several traits at the same time, and at different levels of biological organization . The estimation of genetic covariances among several different traits are indispensable in predicting the evolutionary response to selection (Arnold 1994). These covariances could show if multivariate evolution could be facilitated or constrained among a particular set of traits (Arnold 1994).In seasonal environments, daily and seasonal variations in ambient temperature represent an important challenge to small nonhibernating eutherian mammals (McNab 2002), and therefore mechanisms that control thermoregulatory homeostasis are paramount (Lynch 1994; Nespolo et al. 2003a,b). In addition, it is well known that acclimatization to cold in small mammals involves aspects of physiology, behavior, and morphology (Geiser et al. 1996). However, it is less clear whether an evolutionary response could take place in traits related to thermogenic capacity and whether such a re...