To investigate the mechanism of wave trapping, acoustic embedded trapped modes associated with two-resonant-mode interference in two-dimensional duct-cavity structures are calculated by the feedback-loop closure principle, which allows us to analyse the travelling modes that construct the trapped modes. The exact two coexisting resonant modes that underpin an embedded trapped mode in a cavity open to two semi-infinite ducts are numerically demonstrated. At the interface between the cavity segment and a duct, total reflection can occur for a particular combination of two propagative guided waves in the cavity. With a particular cavity length and a particular frequency, total reflection also happens for the two reflected waves at the opposite end of the cavity. In this way, the two coexisting standing waves underpin a trapped mode. It is found that the two standing waves are not two closed-cavity modes. Thus, this work presents a new understanding of such embedded trapped modes as a product of total reflection of two guided waves at the interface between two waveguides, rather than interference between two eigenmodes of a closed cavity. For quasi-trapped modes, the Fano scattering phenomenon owing to the effects of two acoustic channels is also shown.