The widely held notion that the use of standard conforming isoparametric boundary elements may not be used in the solution of hypersingular integral equations is investigated. It is demonstrated that for points on the boundary where the underlying ®eld is C 1Ya continuous, a class of rigorous nonsingular conforming BEM algorithms may be applied. The justi®cation for this class of algorithms is interpreted in terms of some recent criticism. It is shown that the numerical integration in these conforming BEM algorithms using relaxed regularization represents a ®nite approximation to the standard twosided Hadamard ®nite part interpretation of hypersingular integrals. It is also shown that the integration schemes in this class of algorithms are not based upon one-sided ®nite part interpretations. As a result, the attendant ambiguities associated with the incorrect use of the one-sided interpretations in boundary integral equations pose no problem for this class of algorithms. Additionally, the distinction is made between the analytic discontinuities in the ®eld which place limitations on the applicability of the conforming BEM and the discontinuities resulting from the use of piece-wise C 1Ya interpolations.
IntroductionHypersingular integral equations are formed from differentiation of singular integral equations and as a result, the order of the singularities in the kernels is increased in these equations. The higher order singularities in the kernels requires more smoothness of the densities for the given integral to be ®nite. A suf®cient condition for the existence of hypersingular integrals is C 1Ya continuity of the density at the source point. This is a condition which is not met by the use of standard isoparametric boundary elements which only provide a piece-wise C 1Ya interpolation. For this reason, approximate solution techniques for solving hypersingular integral equations using the boundary element method (BEM) require special consideration.In general, this special consideration takes one of several forms. The hypersigularity may be reduced through integration by parts (Guidera and Lardner 1975;Giroire and Ne Âde Âlec 1995). In addition to being rather mathematically tedious, approaches of this form have yet to produce numerical results of the same accuracy as have been obtained with the more conventional approaches.Each of several remaining approaches seeks to impose C 1Ya continuity at the source point on the particular density in the hypersingular integral which is used in the numerical integration, as is required mathematically. The ®rst class of algorithms is based on interpolation schemes which are C 1Ya continuous. One way in which this is done is to introduce nodal displacement gradients in the interpolation scheme. Polch et al. (Polch et al. 1987) used a standard isoparametric representation for displacement gradients. This continuous displacement gradient ®eld was then coupled to the standard interpolation for displacements through a least-squares method. Young (Young 1996) has used a hybrid in...