“…Therei sa na bsence of consensus regarding the definition of violencei nt he contexto fh ealthcare ( Needham et al, 2005),w iths ome writerse mphasising 'physicalc ontact by ap atient or clientt hat resultsi nf eelings of personalt hreat' (Ryan&Poster,1 993: 38),o thersi ncluding 'any incident in which ap ersoni s abused, threatened or assaulted relating to theirw ork' (Health &S afety Executive,1 998: 1),w hich is extendedt oi nvolve 'ane xplicito rimplicit challenge to their safety,w ell-being or health' to constitute zero tolerance( Department of Health 1999).M ored etaileda nalyses haves een violencecategorized according to the levelo fp hysicali njuriess ustained (Health ServicesA dvisory Committee, 1987), whether towardss elf, otherso rp roperty,d egree of physicalityi nvolved (Morrison, 1993),a nd emotional effects ( UKCC, 2002),w hich include feelings of shock, anger,f ear,f rustration (Howard&Hegarty,2 003),p owerlessnessa nd insufficiency (Lundstrom et al, 2007).…”