The primary cause of red cell destruction in enzymopathies of anaerobic glycolysis remains controversial and difficult to investigate especially because the erythrocyte population in enzymopenic patients is largely heterogeneous. We have shown that loading human erythrocytes with monospecific enzyme-inactivating antibodies could be useful in understanding the biochemical modifications occurring in enzymopenic erythrocytes and the mechanisms leading to red cell destruction. Hexokinase-inactivating antibodies were prepared and loaded in human erythrocytes using a procedure of encapsulation based on hypotonic hemolysis, isotonic resealing and reannealing. Red blood cells loaded with anti-hexokinase IgG showed 20 ± 3% residual hexokinase activity while all other enzymes were normal. Lactate production by these cells was 30% of controls while the amount of glucose metabolized in the hexose monophosphate pathway (HMP) was unchanged under resting conditions. However, in the presence of methylene blue HMP rates were only 12% of controls. Determination of adenine nucleotide levels suggests that the antihexokinase-loaded red blood cells are not able to maintain, in vitro, their ATP level as well as their 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Osmotic fragility, methemoglobin, and reduced glutathione content were near normal. These and other properties of the antihexokinase-loaded erythrocytes were similar to those found in cases of hexokinase deficiency. When the antibody-loaded erythrocytes were chromatographed on immobilized Protein A columns 66-70% of cells were retained by the column against 0-10% of controls suggesting that hexokinase inactivation promotes autologous IgG binding. Since the phenomenon is known to be associated with red cell phagocytosis, it could be concluded that in hexokinase deficiency red cells are mainly removed by phagocytosis, and that hemolysis probably occurs in cases of oxidative stress when the production of a large amount of reducing equivalents (NADPH) is needed but not provided by the hexokinase-deficient erythrocytes.