A. POPELLO, T. M. BIKBOV, V. YA. GRINBERG, V. T. DIANOVA. V. I. POLYAKOC. G . MUSCHIOLIK, R. SCHUBRING, H. SCHMANDKE and V. B. TOLSTOGUZOVThe effects of pH, calcium chloride concentration and coagulation temperature on sol-fraction yield during the formation of fibrous texturates from casein, field bean protein isolate (FBPI) and their mixtures have been studied. The optimal coagulation conditions in terms of least sol-fraction yield were pH 7.0, 0.04 M calcium chloride and 100 'C. These conditions allow one to avoid neutralization and numerous washings of the texturates. Also studied were functional properties of texturates with varied content of the protein components as well as organoleptic properties of fish products in which 20 of fish was replaced with the texturates. Due to the effect of texturates the general acceptability of the products will be improved and the losses duringcooking will be reduced.