To fulfill the economic needs through working abroad in order to raise the wind is one of benefit seeks by the woman migrant workers. Migrant workers is protected with formal social protection schemes both in origin and destination countries as stipulated in UU No. 18 tahun 2017 about migrant workers protection article 31. This study aims to apprehend on how is the mechanism of social protection to Indonesian Women Migrant Workers in Hongkong. 12 informants were involved in this study from Indonesian women migrant workers post placement and in placement period. This study founds that donation and inter-family loan among Indonesian women migrant workers were informal social protection mechanism developed by them in Hongkong. In certain condition, the coverage of formal social protection is insufficient to to protect Indonesian women migrant workers. As woman migran workers have solid friendship relations among their group and communities, informal social protection schemes with gotong royong principle helped them when in illness, unemployment, and work injury.