We study the two step sequential one pion production mechanism, $np(I=0)\to \pi^-pp$, followed by the fusion reaction $pp\to \pi^+d$, in order to describe the $np\to \pi^+\pi^-d$ reaction with $\pi^+\pi^-$ in $I=0$, where a narrow peak, so far identified with a ``$d(2380)$'' dibaryon, has been observed. We find that the second step $pp\to \pi^+d$ is driven by a triangle singularity that determines the position of the peak of the reaction and the large strength of the cross section. The combined cross section of these two mechanisms produce a narrow peak with the position, width and strength compatible with the experimental observation within the approximations done. This novel interpretation of the peak without invoking a dibaryon explains why the peak is not observed in other reactions where it has been searched for.