On a given arbitrary Sasaki-Einstein manifold, there is the Freund-Rubin solution which is supersymmetric AdS 4 solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity. There are also nonsupersymmetric solutions: the skew-whiffed Freund-Rubin, the Pope-Warner, and the Englert solutions. From particular Sasaki-Einstein manifolds of Q 1,1,1 and M 1,1,1 there are the non-supersymmetric AdS 4 solutions discovered by Cassani, Koerber and Varela. Among those, the skew-whiffed solutions and the solutions on Q 1,1,1 and M 1,1,1 are known to be perturbatively stable, i.e, masses are above the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. In this paper, we examine a new decay channel known as the brane-jet instability. It turns out that all AdS 4 solutions we consider are brane-jet stable. Hence, the skew-whiffed solutions and the solutions on Q 1,1,1 and M 1,1,1 are both BF and brane-jet stable.