“…The migrants more frequently detected were 2,4-DTB [96-76-4], present in all samples analyzed, and 2,6-DTBQ [719-22-2], identified in three and two samples coming from isooctane and Tenax Ò , respectively. Both compounds are common degradation products from the antioxidants Irgafos 168 and Irganox 1010 (Denberg, Mosbaek, Hassager, & Arvin, 2009) and they are frequently detected as NIAS in migration studies (Félix, Isella, Bosetti, & Nerín, 2012;Nerin et al, 2013;Skjevrak et al, 2005;Vera et al, 2011). Diisobutyl phthalate [84-69-5], found in three samples, is a plasticizer commonly associated with printing inks and it has been also reported as NIAS in plastic films (Félix et al, 2012;Skjevrak et al, 2005).…”