We studied with great interest the article entitled, BEffect of laser on pain relief and wound healing of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a systematic review^authored by Suter and colleagues [1]. In this valuable systematic review, the authors evaluated the potential benefits of laser application in management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. We would like to give explanation regarding the above paper published recently.In Table 2 of Dr. Valerie G. A. Suter's paper, the total energy used in NTCLT has been stated to be 5-10 J; however, the energy delivered to the surface of the lesions is much lower than the figures above.For application of CO2 laser as a non-thermal laser for photobiomodulation, some measures should be considered [2-5]:-Irradiation of the lesion through a thick layer of transparent gel with high water content -Application of the CO2 laser with defocused handpiece, 5-6 mm distant from the surface of the lesion to make the beam wide enough -Rapid scanning of the lesion with circular motion of the handpiece With these considerations, CO2 laser can be applied as a photobiomodulative laser. This technique which was initially termed NACLT, after indicating its non-thermal nature, called Non-Thermal CO2 Laser Therapy (NTCLT) [5] to avoid misinterpretation with high power fractional non-ablative CO2 lasers used for skin rejuvenation.The results of thermometry revealed that final power output of CO2 laser beam after irradiation through the gel decreased significantly to the range of milliwatts [2]. Hence, the real energy delivered to the surface of the lesion in NTCLT is in the range of millijules. We hope we will be able to report the results of our recent study about the physical aspects of NTCLT with more accurate information about the real energy applied at the surface of the lesion in NTCLT soon. Relieving pain in oral lesions of pemphigus vulgaris using the nonablative, non-thermal, CO2 laser therapy (NTCLT): preliminary results of a novel approach. J Lasers Med Sci 8(1):7-12 * Nasrin Zand