Resonance assignment is a pivotal step for any NMR analysis, such as structure elucidation or investigation of protein-ligand interactions. Both 1 H-13 C HSQC and 1 H-1 H COSY 2D experiments are invaluable for 1 H NMR assignment, by extending the high signal dispersion of 13 C chemical shifts onto the 1 H resonances, and by providing a high amount of through-bond 1 H-1 H connectivity information, respectively. The recently introduced HSQC-CLIP-COSY method combines these two experiments, providing COSY correlations along the high-resolution 13 C dimension with clean inphase multiplets. However, two experiments need to be recorded to unambiguously identify COSY cross-peaks. Here, we propose novel variants of the HSQC-CLIP-COSY pulse sequence that edit cross-peak signs so that direct HSQC responses can be distinguished from COSY relay peaks, and/or the multiplicities of the 13 C nuclei are reflected, allowing assignment of all peaks in just a single experiment. The advanced HSQC-CLIP-COSY variants have the potential to accelerate and simplify the NMR structure elucidation process of both synthetic and natural products, and to become valuable tools for high-throughput computer-assisted structure determination.