“…], Hogan (1991), Svejnar (1991) [both refer to the economic Reforms in the Nations of the ex URSS], Coleman (1993) [about the different demographic characteristic of Eastern Europe, Western Europe and ex URSS] and Oberschall (1996) [he analyse the passage from Socialism to Markets for the China and Unger]. 22 There are the work of Ritterband (1969) [on Israel],the work of Suleiman (1973), which analises the changes on the society due to the BD of Arabs in Palestine and Israel, and the work of Palfreeman (1974) which remarks, in relations to the Australia, the differences between the white migrants and the non-white ones. 23 Regard the role of the International Organizations, there are the works of Cox (1968Cox ( ,1979, Revelle (1968), Sherman (1968), Bell (1971), Keohane & Nye (1974), Pastor (1974) and Meron (1976).…”