Pure vibrational transitions of a three-electron 7 LiH + ion are still unknown experimentally even though it can be readily produced in experimental conditions by a photoinduced electron detachment. This makes the theoretical calculations of pure vibrational transitions an important prerequisite to any attempt to measure them. In a paper published four years ago 1 we described calculations of six pure vibrational states of 7 LiH + performed at the nonrelativistic level without assuming the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation. In the calculations we employed explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions multipled by powers of the internuclear distance. In more recent work 2 we applied the non-BO approach to calculate the fundamental vibrational transitions of the 3 He 4 He + and 7 LiH + ions. In the calculations we also included the leading relativistic corrections determined with the use of firstorder perturbation theory with the non-BO wave function as the zero-order approximation. For 3 He 4 He + the calculations reproduced within 0.06 cm −1 the fundamental vibrational transition, which is known with very high accuracy of about 0.001 cm −1 . 3 In that work we also calculated the fundamental transition of 7 LiH + . As the approach used in the 7 LiH + calculations was the same as used for 3 He 4 He + , a similar accuracy was claimed for the 7 LiH + transition. In the present work we use the approach to refine the theoretical predictions of the energies of higher pure vibrational transitions of 7 LiH + .Nearly all quantum-mechanical molecular calculations are performed assuming the BO approximation with the nuclei placed at fixed positions. Well established procedures and functional basis sets have been developed for such calculations. The BO electronic calculations generate a potential energy surface (potential energy curve for a diatomic molecule) which is subsequently used to determine vibrational states of the molecule. When the electrons and the a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: sergiy.bubin@vanderbilt.edu.nuclei of the molecular system are treated on equal footing, as in the non-BO approach, unconventional basis functions for expanding the wave function need to be used. There are two major features which such basis functions need to describe. The first concerns the correlation effects of the coupled motions of the nuclei and the electrons and not just electrons as in the BO calculation. One way to effectively and accurately describe those effects is the use of basis functions that explicitly depend on the electron-electron, electronnucleus, and nucleus-nucleus distances. The second feature concerns the symmetry of the non-BO state under consideration. As the molecular Hamiltonian obtained after separation of the system's center of mass motion is spherically symmetric (isotropic), the basis functions have to reflect this symmetry. In particular, in the calculations of pure vibrational states (more precisely, the states with zero total angular momentum) the basis function...