We consider performing adiabatic rapid passage (ARP) using frequency-swept driving pulses to excite a collection of interacting two-level systems. Such a model arises in a wide range of many-body quantum systems, such as cavity QED or quantum dots, where a nonlinear component couples to light. We analyze the one-dimensional case using the Jordan-Wigner transformation, as well as the mean field limit where the system is described by a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian. These limits provide complementary insights into the behavior of many-body systems under ARP, suggesting our results are generally applicable. We demonstrate that ARP can be used for state preparation in the presence of interactions, and identify the dependence of the required pulse shapes on the interaction strength. In general interactions increase the pulse bandwidth required for successful state transfer, introducing new restrictions on the pulse forms required.PACS numbers: 32.80. Xx, 42.50.Ct, 42.50.Pq, 03.67.Lx Precise control of quantum mechanical systems is a sought after feature for applications in quantum information and investigations of many-body quantum dynamics. Discrete atomic-like systems, or qubits, can be excited by using external field pulses that induce Rabi oscillations, with the final state determined by the intensity and duration of the pulse. However, this method is sensitive to fluctuations in the driving field, transition energy and other sources of disorder [1]. An alternative approach, which is robust against such variations, is the use of frequency-swept ("chirped") pulses to perform adiabatic rapid passage (ARP). In this method, the frequency of the driving field is swept through the transition to be excited, implementing the Landau-Zener process for adiabatic passage [2,3]. Provided the gap induced by the applied field is large compared with the sweep rate the process is adiabatic, and the wavefunction is transferred from the initial ground state to the target state with high probability. The presence of an external field creating a gap contrasts with some recent analyses of many-body Landau-Zener problems [4][5][6][7][8] in which there is no external field creating a gap and non-adiabatic effects appear.ARP is a well-established technique in nuclear magnetic resonance, where chirped radio frequency pulses are used to manipulate nuclear spins [9]. More recently, there have been a number of investigations into using ARP with optical pulses to control excitons in quantum dots [1,[10][11][12], including the creation of entangled states [13][14][15][16]. This has coincided with growing interest in producing many-body systems with strong light-matter interactions, such as coupled photon cavities or polaritonic systems [17]. A protocol such as ARP that allows robust control of the quantum state in these systems would enable the investigation of quantum dynamics in highly non-equilibrium regimes [18][19][20][21].In established examples of ARP the interactions are weak on the scale of the level splittings generated by the ...