Methods rooted in the density functional theory and in the coupled cluster ansatz were employed to investigate the cycloaddition reactions to ethylene and acetylene of 1,3-dipolar species including ozone and the derivatives issued from replacement of the central oxygen atom by the valence-isoelectronic sulfur atom, and/or of one or both terminal oxygen atoms by the isoelectronic CH 2 group. This gives rise to five different 1,3-dipolar compounds, namely ozone itself (O 3 ), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), the simplest Criegee intermediate (CH 2 OO), sulfine (CH 2 SO), and thioformaldehyde Smethylide (CH 2 SCH 2 , TSM). The experimental and accurate theoretical data available for some of those molecules were employed to assess the accuracy of two lastgeneration composite methods employing conventional or explicitly correlated post-Hartree-Fock contributions (jun-Cheap and SVECV-f12, respectively), which were then applied to investigate the reactivity of TSM. The energy barriers provided by